
Thursday 15 December 2011

Card with removable item.

Festive greetings all!
As you can see from the title of this post, today I have a card with a removable item. This is the challenge for this week over at CRAFT. I have been wanting to make a book card for ages, and so decided to make one for our gorgeous little 3 year old grandson Ryan.

The image I chose is from one of our fabulous sponsers for this challenge- Bows and Berries and it's called toastygingerbreadman.

Our other Sponsor is My Creative Classroom

The removable item is inside the card - chocolate gingerbread men to hang on his tree. I doubt they will make it to the tree lol but there is always hope!

The chocolate men were made using a silicon mould I got from Amazon.
The papers are once again from Bearly Mine Christmas Wishes.
The snowflake border is a MS PAP - Aspen snowflake
The ribbon was from crafts u love - I think.

Have fun with your creations

Don't forget to visit the rest of the DT blogs for their inspirational projects - links are on my side bar.

Hugs Sheryl xxx

1 comment:

  1. "They were supposed to go on the tree... oops.. I have a tree in my stomach that they are hangin on..." hehehe.. this is a wonderful creation.. thanks for sharing..


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