
Thursday 16 May 2024

Crocodile Love


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Good Morning,

It’s that time of the week when we have new challenge over at

CRAFT Challenge.

For the next week is

Anything Goes

Our fabulous sponsor for this week is


The Paper Shelter

For my card I used

Crocodile Love

I love this image, it makes the perfect anniversary card for my daughter and son in law.

I coloured the image with alcohol markers.

I would like to enter this project into the following challenges…


613 Avenue Create (M, 1st Sunday, 8E) Any Craft Accepted (check for recognition each week, top DT choices, winners, and crafter's voting by on-line community) - May - Anything Goes + option: For the Kids

A Place To Start (M, 1st Mon) - May - Anything Goes + option: For a Lady

Pammie's Inky Pinkies Challenges (W, ATG except for Theme on 5th Monday of a month, 3E) #2419 - Anything Goes

A Perfect Time To Craft (M, P1) Always Anything Goes

Crafty Animals (M P1, must have animals) #83 - Always Anything Goes

Critter Crazy Challenges (M, P1, E5, must have a critter) - #86 - Anything Goes with a Featured Critter

Incy Wincy Designs (M, P1, E5) May - Spring and/or Animals

The Creative Crafters (M, P15, E3) #75 - Always Anything Goes


Have a great day



  1. Sheryl, this is adorable! Thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create. I hope we see you on the front porch again soon!

    Hugs, Em
    613 Avenue Create DT
    Creative Em my blog
    Creative Em on YouTube my Youtube channel

  2. fun and fabulous! Thanks for playing along at 613 Avenue Create!

  3. Love this fun card, with the adorable crocodiles!!

  4. This card is really AMAZING!!! 😍😍😍
    Thanks for stopping by A Place To Start !
    Hugz, Bettascrap DT

  5. Love it! A great image and a fun card.

    Thanks for joining us at the Critter Crazy Challenge.

    Helen x

  6. So cute! Thanks for sharing your fun critters with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana Malkah, Owner


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