
Thursday 3 August 2023

Ambrose King of the Waves


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Good Evening,

It’s Thursday and time for a brand new challenge at CRAFT challenge.

The theme for this week is


Our fabulous sponsor this week is

Dr Digi’s House of Stamps


For my card I used

Ambrose King of the Waves 


The image was coloured with Promarkers.

The paper is from Beach Days Clip art - DesignDigiCrafts.

The sentiments have been made on the PC

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges.


Ellibelle's Crafty Wednesday M, Wed, E3 - Anything Goes

I Spy With My Little Eye – Sweet Treats or warm Summer Colours

I love Promarkers  M, 3rd Wed, E5, Anything Handmade, #4 and #5 - A Sweet Treat or Warm Sunny Colors  (Open until August 13)

The Crafty Addicts  M, 1st Wed, 3E - Anything Goes

A Perfect Time To Craft (M, P1) Always Anything Goes

Ally's Angels (M, P10, E3) Always Anything Goes

Classic Design Challenge (M, P1) Always Anything Goes

Crafts Galore Encore (M, P1, E3) Always Anything Goes

Creative Crafting Uncles
 (M, P15, E3, masculine) - #43 - Maritime

Love to Craft (M, P1, E5 , no completely digital projects) #76 Anything Goes

613 Avenue Create (M (1st Sunday), 8E) Any Craft Accepted (check for recognition each week, top DT choices, winners, and crafter's voting by on-line community) - July - Anything Goes + option: Nautical * see below



  Sheryl xx


  1. What a perfect summer themed creation! So fun!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at I spy with my little eye as well as sharing at my Crafty Wednesday challenge this month!

  2. This is a brilliant summer card love it Ginny
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  3. Fabulous masculine card and love the fun image.Thank you for joining us at The Crafty Addicts
    Carol DT x

  4. What a funny and amazing image! Thanks for playing along with us at our present challenge at Creative Crafting Uncles and good luck. Hope you will join us next challenge again.

    Crafty greetings

    *Owner* Creative Crafting Uncles >
    *DT + Admin* Do-Al(l) Kreatives >
    *DT* Kreativ-Tanten Challenge
    Alex' Kreative Seite

  5. Beautiful funny creation! Tahnks for palying at I Love Promarkers Challenge.

  6. Oh my gosh I love this image and fabulous scene. Super fun card.

  7. Great fun summery card - fab composition. Thanks so much for joining in with I Spy With My Little Eye challenge.
    Pauline xx

  8. Great card - love the scene you've created.

    Thanks for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore Challenge.

    Helen x

  9. Ha! Ha! Ha! This is such a super fun card! Love thes great little scene! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Love the Craft Challenge. Have a good weekend! :)


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