
Wednesday 17 February 2021

Connie Confectionary


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Good Morning,

We have a brand new challenge today over at

I Love Promarkers

Our theme this fortnight is ..

Anything Goes/ Optional Twist Birthday

How you interpret this is completely up to you, as long as you use either Promarkers, Flexmarkers, Brushmarkers, Aquamarkers or Trias on your work, if not your work will not be eligible.

Our fabulous sponsor is ..

 Dr Digi’s House of Stamps

For my project I chose

Connie Conectionary

The image was coloured using Promarkers.

The papers were from Nitwits Who’s Having A Party Digital set.

The bunting and sentiment were created on the PC and fussy cut.

For more inspiration check out my fellow DT members, they are awesome.

Happy Crafting

Sheryl xx

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges ….

A Bit More Time to Craft (M, P1/15, E3) #134 - Always Anything Goes

A Perfect Time To Craft (M, P1) Always Anything Goes

Classic Design  Challenge (M, P1) Always Anything Goes

Crafts Galore Encore (M, P1, E3) Always Anything Goes

Love to Craft (M, P1, E5 , no completely digital projects) #55 - Always Anything Goes

A Place To Start  (M,1st Mon) - FEB - ANYTHING GOES AND DT CALL

Always Fun Challenges - (W, 3E, Top 3 Awarded)  #201 - ANYTHING GOES

A Gem of a Challenge  2W, 3E  - #4 - Anything Goes (W1 of 2)


  1. Fun! Exactly how I plan to celebrate my next birthday! Beautifully crafted! Thanks for sharing with us at A Place To Start!
    Chana Malkah

  2. Fabulous card! Thanks for joining us for Challenge 4 at Gem of a Challenge!

  3. OMG, I love this! Thanks so much for sharing with us over at Love To Craft Challenge Blog this month! We appreciate you joining us!
    Leslie, LTCCB DT
    Love To Scrap 2

  4. Hahaha OMG I love it, great fun!

    Thanks for joining us at Digi Choosday Challenges

    Happy Crafting
    DT Sam


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