
Sunday 1 October 2017

Anything Goes / Optional Twist - Masculine Card at 613 Avenue Create

Good afternoon,

Today over at 613 Avenue Create we have a new challenge. As always it’s…
For my card I used a Tim Holtz die and some x cut cog dies.
The backing paper is from StampingAllDay - here
The sentiment was made on the PC.

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges …..
Challenge Up Your Life  2W,E1, Time/Clocks  (W1 of 2)


  1. Really great card! Thanks for joining in at challenge up your life!

  2. Great masculine card Sheryl! Love all the wheels and cogs and all things masculine - LOL! And that sentiment with the clock is PERfect - I need to remember that one! I also really like the color - I would not have thought to go there for a man - but, it really works! Good job toots!

  3. Hi Sheryl, thanks so much for letting me know about my Top Rocker selection!! I am honoured!! I love this card you've created! Your sentiment made me smile - so perfect for your card! Great backing paper too!


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