
Sunday 13 September 2015

Be Mine

Good afternoon,
I am late with my post today. There is a new challenge over at
On September 11, 1962 the Beatles recorded 
their 1st single "Love Me Do".

Our challenge is always Anything Goes but for our 
optional twist show us your interpretation of "Love Me Do".
 For my DT project  have used this cute little guy from

He has been coloured with Promarkers and teamed with papers from the Michelle Roos Collection Dear Santa
The pearls are from my stash
The words be mine actually come with the stamp and I just added the other two words using the PC.
Crafty Calendar -  Sept - anything goes
Scrappers Delights  -Always Anything Goes
Artbymiran Challenge  - Anything Goes
Crafting-With-Friends Anything Goes
Simply Papercraft - Anything Goes
C.R.A.F.T. -  Christmas
7 Kids College Fund - Anything Goes 
Crafting By Designs - Get Ready For Christmas

Enjoy the rest of your day


  1. Thank you for taking part in our art by miran challenge,
    I very much enjoyed looking at your project and all
    the time and detail you put into it, good luck hugs tracy

  2. What a cute card, thank you for sharing with us at Simply Papercraft - good luck and hope to see you again soon
    Lyn - DT

  3. What an adorable little character! Thanks for joining us for our 'Anything Goes' challenge #40.
    Alicia (Art by Miran DT)
    MaxiBelle Studio

  4. This is a wonderful card. Fabulous coloring! Thanks for playing along with us at 7 Kids College Fund Challenge Blog!

  5. He's a cutie, great card! Thank you for playing in our challenge at

  6. Lovely card thanks for joining us at Crafting with friends. Louise DT x

  7. Cute card. Lovely colours. Thank you for joining us at Crafting with friends this week. Judy DT

  8. Aaaaw what a cute dragon. Love your colouring and card. Thx for joining us at Scrappers Delights and good luck xx

  9. A great card - thanks for joining us at the Crafty Calendar Challenge.

    Helen x


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