
Monday 7 January 2013

First Challenge of 2013

Good morning all and welcome back to the first challenge of 2013 over at INCY WINCY DESIGNS
The Dt have had a much needed break over the holiday and are back with some fantastic projects.

The challenge this week is Something New and we would like to see you using those new crafty goodies that you all had for Christmas.

We have two sponsors this week

The DT were allowed to choose which company they would like to feature in their Dt projects, so because Cedar Chest Designs was completely new to me I chose one  of their images - Framed Lighthouse.

My new things are the new image from a new (to me) designer and the anchor and rubber ring were cut out on my new silhouette machine. 

The cord is from my stash and took me ages to find because I hadn't put it in the right place last time I used it!
The papers are from two sets by Katie Pertiet - Coastal kit and Artistry de Azul by Katie Pertiet both available here

The sentiment is from cuddly buddly 

Enjoy the challenge and pop over to our blog to check out our DT projects.


  1. Hi Sheryl - Love your card, especially the nautical embellishments!
    Helen x

  2. Fantastic card! I love the nautical embellishments too - so perfect with the image.

    Instead of Ironing Blogspot


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