
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Colour challenge

Good morning all, hope today finds you in good spirits.

Today over at Tuesday Alchemy there is a brand new challenge.

Color Recipe: Golden Brown, Mustard & Navy

This week there are two fantastic sponsors

This was a real challenge for me as these are colours I don't normally work with, but it gave me the opportunity to use a scrappers delights image I had  some time ago and haven't used ( hanging head in shame)

The flowers were made using die cuts from Marianne Creatables.
The papers are from a Raspberry Road set called Pumpkin Hollow
The image is coloured with Promarkers.

Have fun with this challenge and stop by the DT blogs to see their awesome inspirational projects.


  1. A gorgeous card. I love the colours - ones I wouldn't think of putting together, but they work.
    Nikki x

  2. Would never have used this colour combination but your card is amazing and has inspired me to try xxx

  3. Fabulous card, such a great image and I love all the detailing


  4. Such an amazing card Sheryl. I love the image and how you colored her. It was great having you as a guest designer with Tuesday Alchemy.

    Hugs and smile


  5. Lovely work Hun thank you so much
    Love Janice XXX

  6. Wow that is just beautiful. You did a wonderful job!


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