
Wednesday 16 May 2012

Winner of My Blog Hop Prize

Good evening all,
                      Firstly, thank you so much to all those lovely people who took the time to stop by my blog and enter the blog hop fun. The DT have had so much fun visiting your blogs and looking at your fabulous creations. It is a real privilege to view your projects and to be part of such a friendly community.

I am excited to announce the winner of my blog hop prize which is two images of your choice from 
Saturated Canary, drawn radomly is...................

Number 24 and that is ....

Congratulations Ruby

Please contact us at to claim your prize!! 

Back tomorrow with a new CRAFT challenge, hope we see you all again.
Enjoy your prize Ruby!!!

Hugs Sheryl xxx

1 comment:

  1. Yippeeeee!!! Wow, I'm so happy..many thanks, off to email you. Ruby x


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