
Monday 13 February 2012

Recipe challenge

Morning all I hope you are all safe after the horrendous icy conditions.
My poor mum has fallen and broken her wrist and chipped her hip. The accident unit of our local hospital was actually on TV because of the huge number of injuries sustained on Friday morning.

To cheer you all up we have a recipe challenge at INCY WINCY DESIGNS this week.

We would like to see 1 image, 2 designer papers and 3 different embellies.

The DT team were lucky enough to play about with images from our fabulous sponsor

I used the beautiful 'elegant butterfly'

I actually decoupaged the butterfly but this doesn't show up clearly on here.
My three embellies are flowers, ribbon and lace.
The gorgeous papers were part of a set from Stitchy Bear during their fabulous January sale and are called sweet melodies.
Flowers and lace are from Wild Orchid Crafts.
The sentiment is from Lilly of the Valley.
The card is for my best friends daughter who is undergoing her last major operation on her leg.
Hang on in there Claire!

The prize for this challenge is .......

5 free digis of your choice

Have fun and check out my fellow teamies blogs.
 I am entering this card into the:

Paper Creations Inc - 1 stamp, 2 different patterned papers and 3 embellishments
Mojo monday Sketch. - I used  ribbon instead of the rectangle beneath the image.

Hugs Sheryl xxx


  1. Love your embellishments. Thanks for joining us at H2H!

  2. Stunning work on the shades of blue. Love the laces and the details. Beautiful!

    Limo Hire in Sydney

  3. Hi Sheryl, your card is just gorgeous! My thoughts are with your mum, sending her *get well soon* wishes from Australia xx

  4. fabulous card Sheryl, very cute and the butterfly is gorgeous
    thanks for joining the Paper Creations Ink challenge this week
    PCI DT


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