
Thursday 17 November 2011

Stars in Your Eyes

Hi peeps, welcome to another Thursday morning. I hope the world is treating you well.

The new challenge over at Craft Challenge  this week is 

Stars in Your Eyes.

Our two lovely sponsors this week are

As soon as I saw Xmas Bratz Girl Candy Cane, I just knew I had to use her. She reminds me so much of my niece.  So here is her Chrismas card with a difference.  I made a sort of Christmas dream catcher for her to hang in her bedroom.

Here is a close up of the main star and image.

The main star is made from a template included in the Do Crafts Digital Designer Program which is part of my  Tatty Teddy CD. It's a bit fiddly to get the inside star going inwards when you do the first one but after that it gets easier.
The papers are from the Nitwit collection Comfort and Joy
The ribbon and gems are from stash
Brats girl is coloured with promarkers.

Hope you like her. Remember to pop over to the rest of the D.T. blogs.
I would like to enter this project into the following challenges
Incy Wincy designs - tic, tac, toe red, Christmas Sentiment and ribbon
Digital Tuesday - Christmas Time
Shelly's images - Anything goes
2 sisters anything goes
Paper Sundaes Digital images

Enjoy the challenge.

Hugs Sheryl xxx


  1. Awe this is awesome Sheryl!!
    Thanks so much for joining our "Anything Goes" challenge at Shelly's Images! Please come back and join us again real soon!!

    Shelly's Images DT

  2. gorgeous creation love that cute image thanks so much for joining us at paper sundaes this week
    hugs sara x

  3. Hi this is fab love the top star I need find that template it is brilliant

  4. this is such an awesome decorating-idea!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi xoxo

  5. Oh this is lovely what a fab decoration thanks for joining us at Incy Wincy this week.
    Jenny x

  6. Thanks for entering your ever so pretty card in our "Anything Goes" Challenge at Shelly's Images.


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