
Sunday 5 June 2011

Cold and Windy

Morning everyone,
The weather here is dull, very windy and definitely chilly! Just the day for standing around watching our eldest daughter's beloved King Charles Spaniel, Alfie, at our local festival dog show. She enters him in every category and is very aggrieved if he doesn't win. If there was a category for most persistent and pushy owner she would win that hands down! Fingers crossed he comes away with something today.
Yesterday I was a guitar widow as my husband went off for a day with his guitar buddies to a "get together" so after catching up on the much needed window cleaning I made my soon to be 17 year old nephew's birthday card. He is in a group so this teddy bo image suits him perfectly. These teddies are so gorgeous.

I coloured the image with promarkers.
The papers are from the Forever Freinds black and gold collection.
Tag was a free down load from digi doodle shop.
Brads recoloured because I didn't have any of the right colour.
String and tag coloured with distress ink.

I am entering this card in the followiung challenges
Simon Says Stamp - Masculine creation
Creative Inspirations - Cute Bears.

                                               Enjoy the rest of your week end


  1. Hi Sheryl, FAB card! Great layout and lovely masculine colours ... perfect for Rockstar Bo!

    Lisa x
    Teddy Bo DT

  2. Hi Sheryl,
    Love your nephew's card!
    Superb image and the sentiment is fab.
    The string looks great,I never know what to put on Men's cards. Great idea!
    Thanks for joining in at A Gem Of A Challenge.
    Mel. xx

  3. This is such a fab card. Gemma x

  4. I love this card so very rock n roll, thank you for taking the time to leave such a lovely comment on my blog


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